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Our Services

Young people's (16 to 25) Counselling Service

SERVICE STATUS: OPEN to new referrals

About the service

While it can be helpful to talk to other people in your life about how you feel, it can sometimes feel easier to talk to somebody else. Counselling is when you confidentially talk to a trained person about something that is on your mind or is a problem to you. A counsellor will listen to what you say and will support you to make sense about events in your life.

You are able to access up to six sessions. These are held weekly either in-person at our premises at Highcliffe Court (Clifton) or can be accessed by telephone or videocall.

How can this help me?MIND_2010_099

Counselling can help with lots of different things. You may have problems at home or with friends; you may be feeling depressed, anxious or confused, or thinking about hurting yourself. If something is important to you or is making you unhappy, then it is a good reason to come to counselling.

Who can access?

Young People who are:

  • Aged between 16 - 25
  • A resident within a City of York council ward, or are under the care of the City of York Council (CYC), or are a care leaver with a CYC Pathway Plan
  • Not at university in York


York Mind is a non-profit making charity funded through grants, service contracts and by contributions received from clients.There is no cost for this service, which is fully funded by the City of York Council.

Referring In

To refer in, simply complete our referral form here (Or download the Word Version and send to We aim to be in touch within two weeks of receiving your referral.

From 2nd January 2024 we will not accept agency referrals into this service. We welcome agencies to support young people in completing a referral, but the primary contact details must be for the young person themselves. The young person must understand what the service entails and consent to the process.  


What will Happen Next?

A member of the counselling team will contact you to arrange a telephone assessment. This will offer an opportunity to share a little bit more about your situation, explore what counselling is and how it may be able to help you.

If you feel that the support is something that will be helpful to you, you will then be placed on our waiting list. Usually within six to eight weeks (no longer than twelve) you will be offered a start date for your counselling sessions to begin.

Contact Information

If you want to find out more you can:

Additional Information

Click here for more information about the range of Young People’s services at York Mind
Click here for more information about the range of Young People’s services at 30 Clarence Street