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Our Services

Children and Young People’s Emotional Wellbeing Service

(12-18 yrs)

About the service

This service offers brief, focused, evidence-based mental health support for children, young people and families who are experiencing mild/moderate symptoms of anxiety and low mood.

The effective treatment is based on research and real-life evidence, working with lots of young people.

Our trainee Children’s Wellbeing Practitioners (CWPs) will assess and support children and young people with common mental health difficulties e.g. worry, social anxiety, low mood.

Young people will receive between 6-8 sessions of treatment (each lasting 30-60 minutes). Sessions are usually weekly and held in person, on a 1:1 basis, at our premises at Highcliffe Court (Clifton), or can be accessed by videocall.

How can this help?

We offer a range of low intensity interventions that are based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), guided self-help and which focus on setting and working towards agreed goals.

Our trainee CWPs aim to help children, young people and their parents/carers in the self-management of their recovery, to feel empowered and have tools for life.

The young person might experience: mild-moderate anxiety and/or low mood. This may include generalised anxiety and worry, social anxiety, panic, separation anxiety, or specific phobias. As well as depression, low self-esteem and sleep problems.

Who can access?

Children and young people aged 12-18 years (for 1-1 sessions).

Parents / carers who would like to access information and support for their child(ren).

Exclusion criteria

We are unable to work with young people where there is current, active self-harm and/or suicidal ideation or current, ongoing safeguarding concerns.

This service is not appropriate for young people where the presenting issue is around domestic abuse, trauma, unmet neurodevelopmental or learning needs.

We cannot work with young people who are receiving therapeutic input from another agency (e.g. CAMHS / Social Care)


Please note that unsuitable referrals will be signposted back to primary services e.g. GP / School Pastoral Staff.



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1st January 2024 - 31st December 2024, 12:00

Active Challenges 2024

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