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Upcoming Active Challenges

See our list of events below, and sign up today! 

Great North Run (3)

York 10k

Sign up to fundraise for us by doing the York 10k

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Great North Run (1)

Yorkshire Marathon

Sign up to take on the Yorkshire Marathon in 2023, and raise money for York Mind!

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Great North Run

Great North Run

If you have a space on the Great North Run 2024, consider fundraising for York Mind!

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Yorkshire Three Peaks

Located in the Yorkshire Dales National Park lie the iconic three peaks of Pen-y-ghent, Whernside and Ingleborough. Your challenge is to summit all three peaks in 12 hours.

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Tablet CMYK

Conqueror Challenges

Take part in a virtual active challenge to reach your fitness goals and raise money for York Mind.

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Trainers CMYK

Yorkshire 10 Mile

Take part in the Yorkshire 10 Mile!

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Trainers CMYK

Leeds Half Marathon

Take part in the Leeds Half Marathon!

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Walking boots CMYK

Total Warrior

Accept the challenge and tackle up to 25 gruelling obstacles including FIRE, ICE and MUD from the choice of 4 distances; 12K, 6K, Ultra and Junior Warrior (3K).

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Walking boots CMYK

Tough Mudder

Take part in Tough Mudder!

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Upcoming events



1st January 2024 - 31st December 2024, 12:00

Active Challenges 2024

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Latest news


Posted: 15th July 2024

Thank you to the York Team at Stowe Family Law

For a generous donation to keep York Mind's services active within the local community. We are truly grateful for the support and look forward to working together in the future. Visit for more info. Read more

A heartfelt thank you...

Posted: 10th June 2024

A heartfelt thank you...

to Auris Ear Care for their generous support and commitment to our cause. We are truly grateful for their partnership and look forward to continuing our impactful work together. Read more

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